Okay. You've caught me. I'm not really working my fingers to the bone, but my etsy stash keeps growing and I have not been listing, so I had to have a photo shoot, a measuring & weighing session, and a TV marathon while I typed up descriptions and listed away!
Wanna' see some of my stash that will hopefully be leaving me soon??? (So I can buy more stuff for my stash, of course! But shhhhh…..don't tell Worker Bee. I don't think he's on to me yet!)
Have I mentioned that Worker Bee is a small collector? Hmmm….what do I mean by that. Well, when we were first married (and well before Baby Bee) he collected vices. Now I don't mean the kind of vice you might find in a garage. I mean vices - like drinking and gambling! In the spirit of that collecting I bought this cordial decanter for him for a birthday. He did not love it. But he's a sentimental guy (and pretty sweet too) so he never wanted to get rid of it, but I finally convinced him I would not be hurt if it went bye-bye.
So…up for sale….a French made, card suit decanter set is now for sale on etsy.
And then this fun piece! I've had it for quite awhile, (and another similar one) but they just don't stand out and I never quite know what to do with them. So these could be yours too!
I've got some gorgeous European glass ornaments and some Shiny Brites!

And sometimes I just find something so pretty I have to bring it home because I just know someone will love it. Right? Some sweet granny crocheted all those roses and leaves and the doily and this pretty little gal was just calling out to me from the bin at the thrift store. (I might be talking to stuff I see at thrift stores too much. Do not be alarmed.)
And this! LOVED IT! So wish I'd known about estate sales when Baby Bee was a baby and I was decorating her nursery. I kept telling people I wanted to decorate it in a vintage style and no one got it. (This was waaaay back in 2001.) This is what I meant! (Sadly, this little cutie had some paint lift off when I took off the price tag from the estate sale, so she'll be going cheap. Oh! Don't let her hear that. I don't want to hurt her feelings. And really, do not be alarmed. It's really okay to chat your vintage items up.)
You all know why I scooped these up. How could I resist a pair of Hazel Atlas cereal bowls in white and turquoise?
Ahh….something else from Worker Bee's "vice" collection. Ask me if we've ever made any of the cocktails on this shaker. Go ahead. Ask me.
Found a great quilt top at another estate sale. Wish I could do something with this myself, but I am just not a sewer (Worker Bee is concerned your going to think sewer like pipes & plumbing & toilets, but you all know I mean seamstress, right? He worries too much.) at this point in my life. Hope somebody else will fall in love!
Cute, right? Enough said about this vintage sewing basket.
And finally, the piece I changed my mind about. I was all set to sell this gorgeous aqua milk glass and I did some research (I believe it's a French piece - a Portieux Vallerysthal Compote - but if you know more, let me know) and I just can't say good-bye yet.
Would you be able to say good-bye?
What are you working your fingers to the bone on?
I hate to say this, but I'm a bit of a procrastinator. I've had all summer to clean up my guest room and I'm running out of time. I wanted to clean out my closets too and I didn't do that. The problem is I always think I can do it tomorrow and I'm running out of tomorrows. There was just always a book calling me or maybe a movie. Or (deep confession here) one of my summer shows. I confess.
Just two weeks before I have to report back for duty and about three weeks before my new third graders come!
Oh. And this should probably be more than a by the way, but Worker Bee and I just got cast in a production of Arthur Miller's The Crucible.
(yes, we are crazy)
Okay. Enough rambling.
Off with you.
Go drink a latte or tea or something.
See you soon!

P.S. If you've hung in there this long you might want to know……I'm having a coupon sale on my etsy shop through Labor Day…..15% off anything over $10 with the code