Please go about your business and let's just all pretend that I've been posting projects and recipes and ideas here regularly, okay? That way I can lift my head out of the deep pit of blogger shame I am in.
Agreed? Good.
So. I've been busy going to estate sales (and not listing on etsy or posting here) but I had to share something kind of fun I found recently.
First, my little cottage was built in 1951 (and I wish Chip and JoJo could work a bit of their magic on my kitchen/bathroom/living room/etc.) and my cute (but kinda' dated) kitchen has vintage pine wood paneling along some of the walls. Why am I telling you this and what does it have to do with an estate sale? Well, we went to the cutest little cottage - and it made my house feel like a mansion - on the second day and almost every wonderful bit of vintage fun had been picked over and sold off. But the intrepid Worker Bee and I ventured into the garage which was filled with a lot of junk (as garages tend to do) but for some reason I looked down and found some cut pieces of this same gorgeous pine paneling that we have in our house. (btw, ours is painted white)

I knew I had at last found the perfect piece of wood for a project I've had in the back of my head for many years. Do you ever have something like that happen? Just all of a sudden the pieces fall in place and it's like something you'd totally forgotten about suddenly is solved!
You see, a few years ago, like maybe ten, Worker Bee and I had gone to that gorgeous town of Carmel and I had found these three milagros in a charming little shop.
I bought three of them because we are a little family of 3 (and maybe because I like odd numbers too, but the story sounds better the other way) and I knew I wanted to put them on a piece of wood, but I knew I wanted the wood to have some character to it.
You can just imagine the glee I felt when I saw this piece and how it connected to what we already had in our house and how I finally had the piece of wood that had the right character for my sweet milagros. I bought every piece they had (which was 4) and I paid $2 for all of them!
So, this weekend, along with several other projects I have in mind, we will nail these onto the board and then I will hang it in our living room!
What do you think of that? And, no, I didn't dust or clean anything off, I was just THAT excited.
So glad you've buzzed in for a visit. Hope to see you again soon.
P.S. Cute indigo washi tape from a flash steal from
Decor Steals! I LOVE them!