Get ready for the eye candy! There will a toothpaste coupon at the end of this post. (okay, not really, but there is so much sweetness here that your dentist might have some concerns)
As I mentioned yesterday, we went on a little road trip. Just a day trip, but it was still so nice to get away for awhile. We went to the shop that Cindy from
My Romantic Home frequently shares with us in her hometown of Campbell, California. Yes, we went to the famous
Vintage and Vogue!
Sewing Bee, the Fabulous Phyllis and I all hopped in carbucks (that's my car's name - get it? Carbucks stops at Starbucks! One of my third graders named my car a few years ago - we were just walking in to class after morning recess and he just turned around with the biggest grin and said Mrs. Sweet Bee? You have to name your car Carbucks! That kid was definitely genius material. Okay, I've gone on about that a bit too much now. I know, you just want to get to the eye candy.)
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about! Lots of eye candy!
The shop is not very big, but it packs quite a wallop of pretties. (do you think that might be a mixed metaphor?)
I just couldn't do it justice with my camera, but I'll show you some of the things that popped out at me.
Don't you just love the letters on this B-A-B-Y sign?
These would be from the Pretty in Pink section.
And, yes, they even had bees!
See? On the glasses?
Wouldn't those mugs be just perfect for soup? Love it!
Ooooo la la! More bees!
I would call this the Country French section. Or maybe the poulet section? There was an abundance of chicken and rooster items.
And then the glass......I personally adore the colors of depression glass.
I had to take about 25 pictures of this cloche to get a good one. Isn't it gorgeous? Wish this little pretty had come home with me.
And aprons! They had gorgeous aprons. Don't you love the little red flower on this pretty? I definitely wanted to take her home, but alas, it was not meant to be.
Beautiful things made out of paper.....
everlasting flowers......
I saw this huge and gorgeous wreath and said, "Look at the coffee filter wreath!" The ladies in the store and Sewing Bee were amazed that it was made out of coffee filters. (I knew thanks to all you fabulous bloggers out there. What inspiration you all are.) It was so beautiful. It was hanging on this gorgeous blue cabinet that had silver paint highlighting the details. Gorgeous!

I LURVED this lamp!
It was calling to my heart, but I stayed strong and resisted the siren call of this Italian. (the bottle looks Italian, doesn't it? well, in my imagination, he's a gorgeous Italian) I love the sign too. Variations of this sign were on many of the walls.
There were so many Easter pretties.
I know I cut off this bunny's head, but it was his little pedestal that seduced my little eye. |
So, what did I come home with?
Well that sweet Sewing Bee bought me an early birthday present. Waaaaaay early since my birthday isn't until September. Oh yeah, I'm kind of hoping she forgets. But then again, she does read my blog, so I'm probably caught. Oh buzz! All my devious plans are ruined!
Can you guess why I got this teapot?
Look closer.......
I already had these sugar bees. Bought these from the Fabulous Phyllis! Ummmm....I probably wouldn't actually eat them. Just for pretty! |
Well, after visiting Vintage and Vogue, I can't help but link up to
hosted by the wonderful Cindy over at
I failed to mention earlier what an absolute delight the ladies were that worked at Vintage and Vogue! They recommended a restaurant for lunch and let me take all kinds of pictures!
What an absolute delight!
I've got so many projects going on right now. Can't wait to show you some of them.
Reader Bee, Cutter Bee and Baby Bee are all over making Easter treats today. I always enjoy having them visit.