It's been a busy weekend here at Sweet Bee Cottage. It was meet my nemesis.
Sure it looks like an innocent chalkboard pantry door, but .... behind it lurked ..... Messopolis! A land where nothing was organized and things were stuffed in willy-nilly. A place no one wanted to go.
See what I mean?
Well it needed painting but that wasn't in the plans...yet.... but I had to do something to make it fresh and - well - cute.
You just know the Cricut is coming out for this -
I (or I should say the Cricut) cut out scallops which Baby Bee then folded. We taped those to the edge of the shelf. It still needed something. Then I remembered - I had some Susan Branch shelf liner hidden away. Just what those shelves needed!
It was now reorganization time - oh boy! (No, I DO really like to reorganize things. It gives me some kind of warped joy.)
Now all the appliances - except the precious espresso maker and toaster - are all living in the pantry. Pots and pans too.
I even made labels. Yeah! I love making labels too.
Isn't it pretty?
Worker Bee, Baby Bee, and I just keep walking by and peering inside - transfixed by the organizational nirvana within its walls.
It was worth the effort! Oh and you know how it goes - not only did the pantry get cleaned out but so did most of the other cupboards and drawers. I even got my new spice cabinet hung. I'll be sure to post on that soon.
Well thanks for coming by and seeing what we were up to this weekend. It took a lot of lattes to get the job done. I made an extra one for you.
Oh and bonus points for those of you who thought - this doesn't go with the new color scheme for the kitchen. I know, I know but the job needed to be done and I went with what I already had - the bones are there for when I'm ready for the complete transformation.
I've joined the party at Cottage Instincts for

I hope you can stop by and check out what others have made.
So glad you stopped by!