Well, let's be honest now, it's not much of a secret if I'm sharing it with you, now is it, but still.....it WAS a secret until I decided to spill.
I bought something I shouldn't have. I know it. Worker Bee knows it. Baby Bee doesn't know it yet, but she will when she reads this. Now before you get all worried about me, it wasn't a house or a car or a brand new kitchen (all things I might consider buying). It was.....
a quilt.
Yes, and some shams too. (No, not shame....sham! You people.)
And it might get a bit embarrassing to admit this part too. It's for our bedroom and......please don't laugh......it's from Pottery Barn (for Kids). All right, I'll say it loud and proud. It's a quilt for a room for grown-ups from Pottery Barn for Kids!
I couldn't help it! It was being discontinued. I loved it. It spoke to my new burning desire for aqua and red and green.
And, you know what? Worker Bee likes it too. I know! Who woulda' thought? I was afraid I was going to have to sneak it on him one night when he was asleep, but he actually likes it.
Now, the bad thing is, it is just a start. I will need to figure out some additional bed coverings, curtains, a new paint (aqua) color for the walls.
There was however one thing that made us really sad. For our 20th anniversary we won a custom monogram designed by Cathe over at
Just Something I Made and sent to us by the wonderful folks over at
Back 40 Life on etsy.
Here's pretty much what our bedroom looks like now - just a few minor changes - and to see more, head on over to this post. |
WE LOVE IT! But our taupe (or what I like to call light grocery bag brown) walls just will not go with these new linens and inspiration and I don't think I can peel this off the wall and save it. (Do you?)
And the furniture that I've painted white and painted black will now get painted another color.
Here's our current dresser.... |
and wouldn't it look fabulous a bright red like this? |
Isn't this the best part right now?
Just the dreaming these things up???
C'mon......let me show you some things I've already pinned from
Definitely a certain color palette going on, right?
These are a few other things I've pinned for romantic inspiration with a cottage spin.
Found this vinyl decal on
Back 40 Life (the place that made our original monogram) and I like it a lot. But.....maybe they still have the original custom made design sitting around somewhere - in the cloud - and we could reorder it in the future?
One last picture from the Pottery Barn (for Kids) website that made me fall in love with it. (BTW, our pillow shams do NOT say Victoria on them.)
I'll keep you posted as I find things to go with our new bedroom.
I can't wait! And the best part? Worker Bee is along for the ride! (Well at least for now.....)
Thanks so much for buzzing along with me dear bloggy friends.
Your sweet comments and visits are such a day brightener!