Friday, September 21, 2012

What Is It About the Fall That Caused Me to Overcommit Myself?

Oh yes, I've done it again.  Too much on my plate and I won't bore you with the details....

but I had to share with you....

Baby Bee was nominated by her leadership group at her elementary school for president!

Wanted to show you her cute poster she made for the election.  She made the letters with my Cricut machine and some fabulous paper my mom found at Hobby Lobby.  

She gives her speech on Friday and the student body votes a week from then.
 Don't forget to vote! (And don't forget to enter my Shabby Apple giveaway! It's ending soon!)
Can you tell Baby Bee has a proud mama?
P.S.  Still working on things for the Big County Fair!  Oh my!  Wish I could share, but I can't until the fair in October!


  1. You have every right to BEE proud!!! What an honor to be nominated!!


  2. What an exciting time for Baby Bee, who's really not a baby anymore! Hope we can call her Resident President Bee soon!

  3. You should be proud! I hope she will be voted President.

  4. Oh I understand! I've been busy myself. Work, canning, and on and on. Have a happy fall Sweet Bee!

  5. Being proud is shows love and commitment. Baby Bee's poster is lovely, and I wish her luck. When I was in my first year of High School, I became the campaign manager for a friend who was seeking to become our year's president of the student council. I had so much fun doing that...and we won...which was simply icing on the cake!
    Hope you enjoy your Sunday, today.

  6. Very exciting and cute poster!! Happy Autumn! xo Heather


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