I know you are going to be so jealous of my "new" china cabinet. But please, try to control yourselves as I show you this fabulous transformation! Good thing you don't know exactly where I live 'cause I know some of you would try to come over here and sneak it out in your purse.
Okay, enough bragging about my fabulous china cabinet. (Notice I've used fabulous twice - well thrice - now. That's 'cause it looks so fabulous!) You want to see it, right?
Well, first you have to look at the before....
(Oh...you need to know that I took the before pictures very early in the morning and the lighting was not fantastic.)
This was an unfinished china cabinet my husband gave me several years ago for Christmas. He stained and finished it himself so it's taken a long time to convince him to help me move it so I could paint it. It was nice, but kind of boring. (Ooooh! Hope you didn't read that Worker Bee!)
First I had to find the right green. After searching for awhile, I found this gorgeous green from the Laura Ashley colors at Lowes. It's called Moss 4. We got a satin finish with the built in primer. It seemed to work okay, but the white I bought for the inside did not provide good coverage. I had to pull out my favorite primer/paint from Home Depot. That paint has worked great for me every time I've used it.
After the paint had cured - for two weeks 'cause I got too busy to finish the project - I sanded some edges and corners for a distressed look. Then I took some walnut stain (Zar brand) and rubbed it on and then rubbed it off. It went very fast and was very easy to do. This technique came from the delightful Miss Mustard Seed's technique on her inspiring blog.
Well, if I do say so myself, (and honeys, I DO say so myself) it looks.....................
Now I need your advice or suggestions. When we were doing the fabulous birthday garage clean up I found these drawer fronts. They belonged to a file cabinet that was destroyed in a very unfortunate accident that I'll have to write about another time. (Suffice to say that I had a vertical bruise on my tailbone....I'll let you draw your own conclusions.)
So, I think they might be interesting hanging on the wall. Worker Bee was kind enough to hold them up so I could take a couple of pictures so I could come to you for advice.
Now Worker Bee thinks they look like they might belong in a morgue or a funeral parlor.
Do you see that? Did he ruin them for you?
Let me know what you think and then you'll have to see what I do. I'm open to other suggestions for them too.
Well, I'm so wicked proud (stinkin' and wicked are my go to adjectives of the season) of my china cabinet so I'm linking up to:
Susan's over at the lovely Between Naps on the Porch
Joining Miss Mustard Seed's Furniture Friday too since she helped inspire all of this greensation!
(Yes, I do make up words - frequently. Drives Worker Bee crazy!)
Hope you enjoyed my FABULOUS transformation. Now, which dishes should we use for dinner tonight? You will be joining us, right? I'd love for you to come.
You know I can't leave you without one more pic....

Be sure to stop by here and leave a comment if you want to enter my first year blogthday giveaway!
Everybody is welcome!